Tuesday, 22. October 2024

Rules and Regulations


00-449 Warsaw, 6A Łazienkowska Str.


Whenever in the Regulations of the Indoor Sports and Entertainment Arena COS Warsaw there is a reference to:
COS- it shall be understood as the Central Sports Centre in Warsaw.
TORWAR I - means the Sports and Entertainment Hall managed by COS in Warsaw, whose representative on site is the Director of COS.
Duty Technical Manager - an employee of the Technical Department of COS Warsaw.
Event - trade fairs, auctions, product presentations, symposia, congresses, concerts, banquets, balls or other similar events.
Organizer - companies, associations, institutions or individuals who cooperate with COS Warsaw on the basis of a signed agreement.
Agreement - the agreement concluded by COS in Warsaw with the Organizer for the rental of space in TORWAR I.



1.1. The provisions of these Regulations apply to Organizers of events taking place on TORWAR I premises.
1.2. The provisions of the Regulations concerning Organizers also apply to entities - persons acting on their behalf (persons transporting the exhibits, building them, performing specialized work, etc.).
1.3. Under the agreement concluded between COS and the Organizer, the Organizer undertakes to strictly abide by the regulations and rules of health and safety, fire-fighting and sanitation during the period of renting the area or rooms on the premises of TORWAR I.
1.4. In case of realization of a mass event by the Organizer, he shall be obliged to submit to COS a copy of the required documentation specified in the provisions of the Act on mass event safety dated 20.03.2009.
1.5. COS employee for occupational health and safety and fire protection is entitled to unlimited control of compliance with occupational health and safety regulations and rules on the surfaces rented by the Organizer.
1.6. The Organizer is obliged to provide the COS employee for safety and fire protection with an ID badge authorizing him to enter all areas covered by the rental agreement.
1.7 The provisions of these Facility Rules are an integral part of the Agreement.

2.1. Godziny pracy hali widowiskowo sportowej TORWAR I.
2.1.1. COS is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays outside of event periods.
2.1.2. During the installation and dismantling period of the event, work may take place in the halls and outdoor areas between 00:01 and 24:00.
2.1.3. During the period of the Event, work may take place in the halls and outdoor areas between 00:01 and 24:00
2.1.4. In justified cases, working hours may be changed, but always after prior notification by the Organizer and with the consent of the Duty Technical Manager.
2.1.5. The extension of working hours of TORWAR I may result in the Organizer paying an appropriate fee for the functioning of the facility.
2.2. Site security and applicable liability policies:
2.2.1. TORWAR I is protected and monitored by security service, cooperating with COS on a contract basis to the extent necessary for the daily operation of the facility.
2.2.2. The Organizer is responsible for the protection and security of the Event throughout the rental period. In order to ensure the protection and security of Event, Organizer orders, at his own expense, the security service of his choice.
2.2.3. During the lease time the Organizer and its employees are obliged to have identifiers which entitle to enter the area of the facility. The identifiers will be prepared at the expense of the Organizer.
2.2.4. COS shall not be liable for any loss, damage, personal injury or property damage or lost profits resulting from the act or omission of another Organizer and persons acting on their behalf or by their order.
2.2.5. COS shall not be liable for any loss, damage, personal injury or property damage or lost profits caused by fortuitous events or force majeure, including but not limited to lightning, explosion, power or water outages beyond the control of COS and other such causes.
2.2.6. Prior to the commencement of assembly works on the leased areas, the Organizer shall collect the above mentioned areas together with the COS equipment and devices from COS.
2.2.7. The Organizer shall be fully responsible for events resulting from his/her actions or omissions while on the premises/using the facility, from bringing in and functioning of its property and equipment, as well as caused by persons for whom he/she is responsible from the moment of entering the facility until leaving it.
2.2.8. The Organizer is advised to conclude, on their own, insurance contracts for the period of Event (from the day of commencement of assembly through the entire duration of the event to the end of disassembly/leaving the facility area) in the following scope
- accidents to persons participating in the Event on behalf of the Organizer,
- Organizer's liability for damages occurred in connection with his participation in Event as well as insurance agreements for property brought in against all events that might cause damage, loss or destruction of such property.
2.2.9. The Organizer shall be fully liable to COS for any damage or loss resulting from misuse of the allocated space.
2.2.10. The leased areas are subject to a protocol transfer to COS by the Organizer after the disassembly of the elements brought in by the Organizer is completed. The Organizer is fully liable to COS for any damages and losses resulting from the improper use of the allocated space.
2.2.11. The leased areas are subject to a protocol transfer to COS by the Organizer after the disassembly of the elements brought in by the Organizer is completed.


2.3.1. The Duty Technical Manager, upon the written order of the Organizer, organizes the performance of works and services provided by COS, included in the agreement. At least 7 days before the beginning of the lease period. The Duty Technical Manager of the hall approves the preliminary plan and type of construction, connection to the power grid, details connected with the organization of the Event and other elements of the order.
2.3.2. Installation may only take place in accordance with the development plan approved by COS.
2.3.3. During the assembly and dismantling period, the Organizer may perform only the necessary assembly and dismantling works. He may not make any permanent changes to the substance of the floor, walls, ceilings, etc. (e.g. drilling holes, gluing, bricklaying, etc.).
2.3.4. The Organizer shall, no later than 14 days prior to the start of the assembly, submit for the approval of the Duty Technical Manager the relevant documents related to the Event in duplicate, in particular: A signed statement as per - Appendix 1 to these Venue Rules confirming that the elements of equipment and interior design installed by the Organizer are made of at least flame retardant materials. Harmonogram prac montażowo-przygotowawczych przed Imprezą. Projekt aranżacji zabudowy wynajętej powierzchni sporządzony na planach hali widowiskowo-sportowej Torwar. Projekt instalacji elektrycznej, podając pobór mocy, rozmieszczenie urządzeń trójfazowych, usytuowanie linii specjalnych i sprzętu teletechnicznego. Wzory stosowanych podczas trwania Imprezy identyfikatorów. Schedule transportation logistics and unloading/loading work.
2.3.5. Specifications of floor loads by machines and equipment issued by the Organizer (area occupied by machines and their total weight). Organizational and technical conditions of booth construction: including equipment and exhibits, as well as advertising media, should be installed in such a manner so as not to pose a threat to public safety and order, and in particular to the life and health of the people staying at TORWAR I. During the assembly and disassembly the Organizer is not allowed to connect or disconnect electrical receivers to the COS electrical network. The following development elements: friezes, banners, awnings, stand and exhibit descriptions as well as company and trademark signs may not exceed the allotted exhibition space, block passageways and passageways in any way and the approved development height. Suspending or attaching stand elements, banners, advertisements and decorations to the hall's structure (ceilings, walls, railings, balustrades, shafts, etc.) is forbidden without prior approval of COS. It is forbidden to attach any elements to the ceiling beams by persons who do not have climbing qualifications - the detailed rules are specified in Appendix No. 2 to these Facility Regulations. Works at heights carried out on the load-bearing structure of the roof of TORWAR I hall should be commissioned by the Organizer to one of several entities indicated by COS Warsaw, which has the appropriate qualifications, resources, current training for work at heights, medical examinations, certified and technically efficient equipment, which has an up-to-date periodic inspection of personal protective equipment intended for work at heights. Before the opening of the Event, the Organizer is obliged to remove from the stand and the surrounding area, garbage, empty packaging left after the assembly. In case of failure to carry out the above cleaning works, COS will order them at the expense and risk of the Organizer. The Organizer is obliged to maintain cleanliness on a daily basis during the Event. The cleaning should take place every day before opening or after closing the Event for the Participants. the period of realization of the Event, the Organizer shall ensure technical supervision responsible for the proper functioning of the devices installed by the Organizer. The Organizer shall carry out assembly and disassembly works of the Event in accordance with the previously approved building arrangement plan and with respect to TORWAR I interiors.
2.3.6. The Organizer is obliged to enforce the Participants: Bring exhibits and supplies to the exhibit area and pick them up after the Event. Materials should be delivered on the day of the event, earlier delivery is subject to the condition of renting a storage room for a fee. Each package with materials should be addressed to the person responsible on behalf of the Organizer. Booth Set-ups. Unloading and loading of goods: Goods from vans may be transported to the site by rubber wheeled carts or follow specially prepared mats. Entry of other vehicles must be agreed with COS in writing.
2.3.7. Outdoor display is subject to the same rules as indoor display.
2.3.8. Dismantling the Event: The organizer is obliged to complete the disassembly in accordance with the contractual deadline of the work includes, but is not limited to, removal of exhibits, building elements, rolling up floor coverings including tapes, and removing Event advertisements. In case the rental time is exceeded, the Organizer will be charged with the costs of extending the operation of COS in Warsaw and the costs of removing the left-over elements of the Event. For exhibits or materials brought from abroad during the Event, the Organizer should have appropriate customs and shipping documents. The Event Organizer is obliged to supervise all assembly and disassembly works carried out for the benefit of the Event according to the previously approved building arrangement plan and respecting the property of COS.
2.4.1. Motor vehicles or other equipment with combustion engines may be displayed in halls only after meeting the conditions specified in fire regulations.
2.4.2. The Organizer is obliged to provide the Technical Manager of the hall with information about technical parameters and properties of exhibits that may pose a threat.
2.5.1. Advertising on the premises of COS in Warsaw outside the stands is payable and requires the consent of COS. Lack of consent will result in removal of advertisements at the Organiser's risk and expense.
2.5.2. Forms of advertising, especially optical or acoustic, may not constitute a threat to public safety and order or cause any disturbance on the premises of COS in Warsaw.
2.5.3. The organizer may charge a fee: Set up your own advertising structures on fair grounds (with permission and in a place designated by COS) Request permission from COS for mobile advertising, for the duration of the Event.
2.6.1. On the premises of COS in Warsaw it is forbidden for the Organizer to carry out any commercial activity without prior written consent of COS.
2.6.2. On the premises of COS in Warsaw, alcohol consumption is only allowed in designated places (bars, restaurants, banquet venues), unless otherwise stated in the agreement between COS and the Organizer.
2.6.3. Bringing alcohol into the area of COS in Warsaw is prohibited.
2.6.4. On the premises of COS Warsaw it is forbidden to consume or stay under the influence of drugs or other psychotropic substances.
2.7.1. Funkcja Dźwiękowego Systemu Ostrzegawczego (DSO): TORWAR I Sports and Entertainment Hall is equipped with Voice Evacuation System cooperating with other fire protection devices installed in the facility. When a 2nd level alarm is triggered in the Fire Alarm System, the Voice Alarm System is automatically activated. The Voice Evacuation System, when automatically controlled, interrupts all sound and functions, e.g. music or general microphone announcements, not related to fire warning. In the case of sound system produced by the Organizer with the use of sound realization consoles, a circuit breaker shall be automatically tripped to cut off electric power supply to the Organizer's sound realization devices/consoles.
2.7.2. The Organizer shall manage the COS grounds in Warsaw observing the following rules: All Participants are required to follow in detail the rules of conduct to ensure complete fire safety. Combustible objects located in open areas by the glazed walls of a permanent building should be located at a distance of not less than 5 m. Stands larger than 150 m2 or longer than 20 m must have a minimum of two independent entrances, preferably from two independent sides. In special cases, when the above conditions cannot be met, a written consent of the fire service is required. COS. Designated traffic and evacuation routes must be kept clear at all times. No permanent or portable advertising, constructions or exhibits may be placed in passageways and evacuation routes. All fire protection devices. (fire extinguishers, manual fire alarms, buttons for opening escape doors, hydrants, etc.) escape doors and their markings must be visible and accessible at all times: they must not be obstructed. The Organizer undertakes to provide information regarding stage fumes 5 days before the Event at the latest. The presence of a fire protection officer on the rented area is obligatory. (firefighter). The cost of firemen on duty is covered by the Organizer. The minimum width of passageways should be 3m. Wooden elements, carpets, linings, fabrics and other combustible materials used in the construction of the stand, scenery and equipment should have appropriate certificates confirming that the materials are flame retardant. Materials such as bamboo, rush, etc. may not be used. Organizer is obliged to show certificates confirming the flammability class of materials at any request of fire services. COS or the arena's Technical Manager.
2.7.3. On the premises of COS in Warsaw it is prohibited to: Use of open flames in the halls and outside booths. Tobacco smoking. Committing acts of vandalism. Bringing in and using flammable gas cylinders, including tourist type. The use of balloons filled with flammable gas indoors and outdoors. Storing outside the booths any type of packaging, paper or other materials that pose a fire hazard. Obstructing access to electrical panels and switchboards, hydrants, hand-held firefighting equipment, manual call points, emergency exit door openers, etc. Use of hand-held firefighting equipment for purposes not related to rescue and firefighting operations. Blocking (especially with parked cars) fire roads and entrance gates located on the premises of COS in Warsaw (fire road designated in accordance with COS fire protection documentation) and blocking roads, passageways, emergency exits and passageways. Locking in the "open" position of fire doors not equipped with electromagnetic strikers and releasing self-closing devices in fire doors. The accumulation and storage of flammable materials, as well as the use of flammable or explosive compounding liquids as cleaning agents. Leaving the exhibit area after the completion of work or demonstration of machinery and technical equipment not cleaned of liquids, dust, grease, oil and production waste.  Leaving greasy, oiled rags and cleaning cloths without proper protection, substances whose interaction can cause self-ignition or explosion.
2.7.4. Devices whose surface can heat up to a temperature exceeding 100oC must be kept away from buildings and any flammable materials at a safe distance, determined in each case with the fire service. COS Warsaw.
2.7.5. Users of electrically powered equipment are prohibited from making any modifications, repairs on their own, and are further prohibited from: Use of defective electrical systems. Leave unattended electrical devices such as heaters, stoves, irons, kettles etc. connected to the mains. Each user is obliged to switch off the electricity supply to his stand each time before leaving it. Place heating equipment on combustible surfaces. Place covers of flammable materials on bulbs or other light points.
2.7.6.  Only materials which are non-combustible, flame retardant or have been treated against fire may be used for stand construction. Materials that will explode when burning must not be used.
2.7.7. Motor vehicles or other devices with combustion engines may be exhibited on the area rented by the Organizer only if the following conditions are met. The fuel tank may contain only the necessary amount to leave the facility. The fuel tank must be closed. The battery must be permanently disconnected. Exposed motor vehicles or other equipment with internal combustion engines shall not block or restrict access to emergency exits.
2.7.8. The use of carpeting made of flammable materials is prohibited in passageways, evacuation routes and staircases. In exceptionally justified cases, in agreement with the fire services of COS, the use of flammable coverings is allowed in evacuation and communication routes (except for staircases). In exceptionally justified cases, in consultation with the COS fire services, the use of floor coverings complying with flame retardant requirements is allowed in evacuation and communication routes (except for staircases).
2.7.9.  It is forbidden to organize pyrotechnic shows without obtaining the relevant consent of the City Chief Fire Officer of the State Fire Service in Warsaw.
2.7.10. The Organizers are obliged to refrain from any activities that could reduce fire safety level. In case of specific exposition posing a serious fire hazard, the Organizers are obliged to provide additional fire protection on their own, in a manner agreed with COS fire services. COS.
2.7.11. The use of hand-held firefighting equipment for purposes not related to the rescue and firefighting operation is prohibited.
2.7.12. Contractors building scenery, furnishings, stands inside and outside COS are required to: Strict compliance with fire safety regulations. Become familiar with the location of portable firefighting equipment, alarm buttons, indoor and outdoor hydrants and how to use them in the event of a fire. Immediately carry out ad hoc orders issued by the fire services. COS regarding fire safety. At the stands inside the hall and outside the hall. Any faults and anomalies found in fire protection in the rooms or outside expositions should be immediately reported to
to the Duty Technical Manager.
2.7.13. In the event of fire on the COS premises, the State Fire Service must be immediately alerted by calling 998 or the emergency button. Until the arrival of the State Fire Brigade, you must submit unconditionally to the COS employee in charge of the rescue and firefighting action, and after the arrival of the State Fire Brigade, to the commander of the rescue and firefighting action.
2.7.14. The Organizer is obliged to make available to the COS representative for fire protection all the rooms in order to check the fire protection system.
2.7.15. All employees carrying out the construction of the Event on behalf of the Organizer must have current certificates of fire protection training.
2.7.16. The organizer of the event may be charged with the costs of the State Fire Service in the event of unjustified activation of the fire alarm system by a participant of the event through pressing the ROP button (manual call point) or the use of pyrotechnic materials that will cause the activation of the system.
3.1. All equipment emitting ionizing radiation (radioactive, X-rays) and laser equipment on the COS grounds must have a permit for their operation under fair/event conditions issued by the National Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Administration.
3.2. Waste hazardous to health and the environment (oils, emulsions, acids, fats, varnishes, etc.) must not be disposed of together with other waste or discharged into the sewage system. These wastes are subject to utilization at the Organizer's expense.
4.1. Users of rented space are fully responsible for health and safety of their employees performing work on the premises of TORWAR I and are liable for any accidents resulting from lack of supervision or negligence of work safety requirements and standards during assembly, operation and disassembly of the exhibition and rental of the hall and the space (open area) for other purposes.
4.2. Machines, bibs, tools, apparatus and other equipment may only be connected if they are equipped with all the necessary protective devices, especially guards and barriers to prevent unauthorized access.
4.3. It is forbidden to start up machines and equipment that do not comply with safety requirements and to operate them by unauthorized personnel.
4.4. When demonstrating machinery and equipment in motion, separate and adequately secure the area designated for this purpose.
4.5. All employees working on behalf of the Organizer in the Event's construction and arrangement works must have a current certificate of health and safety training.
4.6. Accessible edges of glass located in booths must be sanded to eliminate the danger of injury.
4.7. In matters of health and safety not covered by these Regulations, specific provisions generally applicable in Poland shall apply.
5.1. Persons using the TORWAR I facility are required to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the regulations and carry out orders of the COS Warsaw security services.
5.2. COS Warsaw determines the operation time of the sports facility on an annual, monthly, weekly and daily basis.
5.3. The TORWAR I Sports and Entertainment Hall operates according to the schedule approved by the Directorate of COS Warsaw.
5.4. In case of organizing sports or commercial events not included in the current schedule, the management of COS Warsaw reserves the right to make changes to the schedule.
5.5. Users of TORWAR I bear the full risk related to amateur and competitive sports, which in particular includes the possibility of injury, fall, fracture, etc.
5.6. Children under 7 years of age can use the TORWAR I facility only under adult supervision. The guardian of the child is fully responsible for his/her proper behavior and safety.
5.7. The users of the TORWAR I facility are obliged to follow the instructions of the COS Warsaw staff and the facility security.
5.8. COS Warsaw is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended and unreported to the staff of COS Warsaw.
5.9. Organized groups taking part in classes at TORWAR I must be compulsorily covered by Third Party Liability and Accident Insurance.
5.10. Classes of organized groups may only be held in the presence of an instructor responsible for the exercise group. Groups without an instructor's supervision are not allowed to hold scheduled classes on their own.
5.11. Organizers of organized activities using rotating locker rooms are required to:
5.11.1. Personally retrieve and return the key to the assigned locker room.
5.11.2. If the key is lost, a penalty of PLN 30.00 gross applies.
5.11.3. It is forbidden to make copies of the keys without the consent of the COS Warsaw Administration.
5.11.4.  Leave the locker room in an unkempt condition.
5.12. While using the TORWAR I facility, it is prohibited to:
5.12.1. Introduction of Animals.
5.12.2. Bringing in and using pyrotechnic materials such as firecrackers, flares, etc. as well as using open fire.
5.12.3. Committing acts of vandalism.
5.13. Bringing in and consuming alcohol, being under the influence of alcohol or drugs and smoking are strictly prohibited on the premises of the sports facility.
5.14. Persons staying within the area of the TORWAR I sports facility are obliged to behave in a cultural manner and not to litter within the facility area.
5.15. Any noticed damage, accidents (involving facility users) or irregularities should be immediately reported to the Duty Technical Manager of COS Warsaw.
5.16. If COS staff determine that damage has been done, the person responsible for doing the damage will be charged for it.
5.17. Any acts of vandalism or other dangerous incidents occurring in the TORWAR I sports facility should be immediately reported to the COS Duty Manager or facility security.
5.18. Participants of events taking place at the sports facility are required to comply with the general rules of safety and fire safety.
5.19. Participants of the events are obliged to obey the automatic announcements of the fire system notifying them to leave the hall in case of emergency. In case of hearing the announcement about the necessity of leaving the hall, the participants are obliged to go to the nearest marked emergency exits.
5.20. Everyone using the TORWAR I sports facility is obliged to familiarize themselves with the above rules and regulations and to abide by them.
5.21. Persons not observing the provisions of these Regulations will be removed from the TORWAR I sports facility.
5.22. The organizer of the event shall be obliged to strictly abide by the conditions specified in the permit for carrying out a mass event, in particular the number of persons participating in the mass event specified in the permit. In the event it is found that more persons participate in the event than specified in the permit, the local administration authority which issued the permit shall be immediately notified.




1. Persons using the facility during events and attending events are required to disinfect their hands upon entering and leaving the facility and to cover their nose and mouth with a mask.
2. Centralny Ośrodek Sportu w Warszawie zapewnia środki do dezynfekcji znajdujące się w toaletach i szatniach.
3.During events, the organizer shall ensure the safety of all persons involved in the event and the participants, including providing additional disinfectant fluids at the entrances to the hall in accordance with applicable guidelines and restrictions.
4. Organization of cultural events is possible with the participation of the public provided that not more than 50% of the number of seats is made available to spectators or listeners, and in the absence of designated seats in the audience - with a distance of 1.5 m between spectators. During concerts, if there are no designated seats in the auditorium, it is additionally required to ensure that no more than 1 person per 15 square metres stays in the room at the same time.
5. The organization of sporting events is possible provided that no more than 50% of the number of seats intended for the public is available, and in the absence of designated seats for the public - with a distance of 1.5 m between the spectators.
6. The organization of fairs, exhibitions, congresses, conferences and meetings is permitted, provided that no more than 1 person per 15 square meters of the room's area is present in the room.
7. The obligation to provide a limited number of seats and the obligation to keep distances indicated in sections 4-6 does not apply to persons vaccinated against COVID-19. In the case of artistic events, including concerts and sport events the obligation to maintain distances and the obligation to make a limited number of seats available to the public also does not apply to spectators who cohabit or cohabit with a child under 13 years of age, a person with a certificate of disability or a degree of disability, a person with a certificate of need for special education or a person who due to health condition cannot move independently.
8. COVID vaccinated persons means persons who present an EU digital COVID certificate or a certificate of vaccination, test result and recovery in relation to COVID-19 that is recognised as equivalent to the certificates issued in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/953 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2021 on a framework for the issuance, verification and recognition of interoperable certificates of vaccination, test result and recovery in relation to COVID-19 (EU digital COVID certificate) to facilitate free movement during the COVID-19 pandemic." It is the responsibility of the Event Organizer or Representative using the sports facility to verify the limits of persons using the facility and their vaccination status.
9. Representatives of the users of the facility are required to submit written statements indicating the number of persons authorized to participate in sports activities, sports competition and sporting events, together with documents confirming such authorization in accordance with applicable laws. In the event that the facility is used by more than one group of participants, representatives of the beneficiaries shall ensure a separation between groups of participants taking part in the event, sports activities or sports competition of at least 15 minutes. A 30% occupancy of the sports facility by participants taking part in sports activities, sports competition and sports event is allowed. The limit does not apply to vaccinated persons verified by the Representative using in accordance with point 8. Additionally, before each sport activity, sport competition or sport event, the representatives of the facility users are obliged to submit a list of names of the competitors/participants taking part in it.
10. The Organizer of the event is obliged to provide an appropriate number of personnel, who at the entrance to the COS Torwar I hall building will verify the number of people entering the facility, and in the case of organizing an event above the limits of the audience or without keeping the distances specified in points 4-6 will check if the people are vaccinated against COVID-19. 4-6 will check whether the persons are vaccinated against COVID-19.
11. If during the event a person from the Organizer's staff or participants of the sports event notices signs characteristic of coronavirus infection, that person should go to the temporary isolation room located on the first floor of the building in room 079 (key at the facility security), and the Organizer should notify the sanitary-epidemiological station and await further instructions.
12. The rooms made available to the Organizer shall be disinfected by COS before the keys are handed over.
13. The elevator can only be used by 1 person at a time with the exception of:
a) a person who attends the event with a child under the age of 13,
b) a person who attends the event with a person with a disability certificate, a person with a disability degree, a person with a special education certificate or a person who due to a health condition cannot move independently,
c) Persons living in common or living together.
14. All persons staying in Torwar I hall are obliged to obey the above rules as well as the hygiene rules recommended by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, Ministry of Health and other institutions leading the fight against coronavirus pandemic, under pain of removal from the facility.

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